Saturday, March 26, 2011


I'm feeling a little down today...I'm not really sure why...I'm all alone right now - the girls went to the club to swim and I've just been sort of goofing around on the computer...I need to do laundry and do some major picking up around here - its bad enough that its bothering me, so it obviously needs to be done...I don't know if I'm homesick....can you get homesick even after you've moved away for 9 years? I wish I could take a trip to LA soon, but that's doubtful till school's out... at least I know Mama will be here at the end of May...but that seems so far away...I had Chester out a little while ago, maybe I'm missing him...although I have 2 crazy dogs that would love to do nothing more than sit in my lap right now...maybe I'm stressed out for Megan with trying out for drill team for next year and for Cassidy with her grades and what to do about her meds...maybe my meds aren't working well enough - I take enough that I should be in a pretty good mood all the darn time, you would think...maybe I'm jealous that Jon's in a fabulous locale and I don't get to do stuff like that...maybe it's all of these things or none of that and it's just one of those days that you aren't happy.

1 comment:

cbright123 said...

Here are some BIG ole hugs for you!!! You know you can ALWAYS call me or better yet just drop by for some fun!!! You know I know fun. And yes, it's perfectly normal to be homesick, even with 9 years of being away. We all love and miss our moms. love you.