Monday, January 24, 2011

15 years!

Jon and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary on January 20th...that number seems a little crazy to me, like some days it seems like its been longer than that, and others like it hasn't been that long at all. We couldn't be more different, my man and I...sometimes we laugh and say the only things we have in common are our love for each and LSU football! haha ... But somehow, it works... maybe because what Fr. Stephen said during his homily at our wedding is true...Jon is salt of the earth, a good man....and I am light to the world, sharing my little bit of crazy everywhere I go....and we just go together, like peas and carrots ;) ....


cbright123 said...

Congrats!!! Y'all are perfect together!

Randy said...

When did Jon get remarried?

Chris Edens said...

thanks Cherie...haha Randy....when Jon looked at this, he said "oh my gosh, we look old!"..haha He said I looked like a little girl in the wedding picture...funny.