Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two hands old...

Cassidy turned 10 on Sunday...didn't I just give birth to that child...I can certainly remember it like it was yesterday...We had her party at Shankz - a blacklight miniature golf place...she said it was the best ever...Jon's parents were here for the weekend, so they got to enjoy the crazy with us! ...here are some pics for your viewing pleasure....enjoy!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I'm feeling a little down today...I'm not really sure why...I'm all alone right now - the girls went to the club to swim and I've just been sort of goofing around on the computer...I need to do laundry and do some major picking up around here - its bad enough that its bothering me, so it obviously needs to be done...I don't know if I'm homesick....can you get homesick even after you've moved away for 9 years? I wish I could take a trip to LA soon, but that's doubtful till school's out... at least I know Mama will be here at the end of May...but that seems so far away...I had Chester out a little while ago, maybe I'm missing him...although I have 2 crazy dogs that would love to do nothing more than sit in my lap right now...maybe I'm stressed out for Megan with trying out for drill team for next year and for Cassidy with her grades and what to do about her meds...maybe my meds aren't working well enough - I take enough that I should be in a pretty good mood all the darn time, you would think...maybe I'm jealous that Jon's in a fabulous locale and I don't get to do stuff like that...maybe it's all of these things or none of that and it's just one of those days that you aren't happy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

under the sea....

we had our spring fundraiser at David last night....weeks of work, one night of fun, and now its over...it turned out pretty darn good. We have such a great group of people pulling it all together...we rock for sure! I can't believe our time at David is coming to an end...Cassidy will be moving on to Collins in the fall...I'm just not ready for my baby to grow up I guess...I'm a little jealous of my friends that will still have little ones there...but that's just part of it, we gotta move on when its time. However, if you don't want to be in a flood zone, you might not want to stand next to me when it's time for the clap out on the last day...

Monday, February 21, 2011

what's the deal?

I don't know if it's the weather, allergies, hormones, stress or what, but my migraines are acting up... you would think with the amount of medications I take daily that I would never have anothr headache EVER.... oh well...on the bright side, I get to spend the rest of the week up at David working on the classroom baskets for the auction for our fundraiser this weekend...Can't wait til Saturday at 4...or maybe 8.... hahaha!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

omg - electives!

Last night, we spent Valentines Day up at Knox Jr. High trying to decide what electives Megan would be taking in 7th grade. I have to say I was mightly impressed with this school...it looks like she's going to have a great experience there...so many fun options! But I can't believe that she'll be going to Jr. High in the fall...makes me want to hurl a little...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

just so you know...

no snow...we did have a nice slick sheet of ice on the deck though...it made for interesting watching when Jon would walk out there in his boots...boots + icy deck = almost busting your butt.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I hate cold weather.

okay, that title is quite the understatement of the year....I am so miserable right now...I hate leaving the house because Jon has a bunch of junk he wants to throw away in the middle of the garage so I have to park outside so the the stupid leather seats in the Yukon are so cold that I'm fairly certain my butt is going to freeze off...they keep talking about snow....if I was interested in snow, I'd live somewhere that snowed...I live in the South, where it's supposed to be somewhat mild in the winter, not 19 degrees...HATE this weather...hate, hate, hate...I know, hate is a strong word, but I have strong feelings about being cold. Oh, and to make my life even better, he wants to take me skiing for spring break...ON MY BIRTHDAY....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dance, dance, dance...

Megan and her bff Ariana had their 12th birthday party together... a boy/girl dance party....can you just die?! It was beyond fun...those kids danced all night long. The boys even danced (or pretended to) a few times...mostly just wandering through the dancing girls. They were hysterical! I have to give props to my girl Diana...she's amazing when it comes to decorations, etc...the original party girl. I danced my 3 inch heels off...

Monday, January 24, 2011

15 years!

Jon and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary on January 20th...that number seems a little crazy to me, like some days it seems like its been longer than that, and others like it hasn't been that long at all. We couldn't be more different, my man and I...sometimes we laugh and say the only things we have in common are our love for each and LSU football! haha ... But somehow, it works... maybe because what Fr. Stephen said during his homily at our wedding is true...Jon is salt of the earth, a good man....and I am light to the world, sharing my little bit of crazy everywhere I go....and we just go together, like peas and carrots ;) ....

wedding 1/22/11

My oldest nephew Daniel got married Saturday to his love Delana...it was a really nice wedding. I loved being able to help Stacey and Mama get it all put together. They make a beautiful couple, and I'm thrilled to have a new niece....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

what's new...

I'm starting to get annoyed with people driving around with antlers and red noses on their cars....take them off already. and I'm not really sure why this is annoying me so much...being the slacker that I am...Cassidy is busy watching Pokemon and eating popcorn and not doing her homework...we are in the planning stages of Megan's birthday party - she and her bff Ariana are going to have their party together...I need to do laundry and clean the kitchen, but here I sit on the computer...things are getting busy at both of the girls' schools - especially David - starting to get ready for the big fundraiser...I hope Jon will get to go hunting again before the season ends - it seems like he hasn't been as much as he's used to...we have a big anniversary this month - 15 years on the 20th...that'll be fun, I'm sure we'll have a night out to celebrate...we usually go to Perry's - that's our special occasion spot. Well, thats all for now - got to go get Megan from school...

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year! We had a lovely Eve at the Pierces watching South Carolina lose to Florida State....I hate Florida State....I think this is why a migraine came on. So Coleen and Christian got to see how much fun I am when I have a headache creeping across my head. Not much, I can assure you. Spent the Day watching football with my man....the SEC has had a much better day today. Jon and Megan are making a red velvet bundt cake (don't ask) and poor Cassidy is working on homework...I know...it's these, excuse my french, f'ing math tiles....they are bound to be the end of 4th grade for us....my friend who had this teacher warned me about them. And she was right. They suck. I took a nice nap during the football games, with Maks curled up with me. So far, 2011 is okay with me.
What do I want for this year? of course, the usual things - for our families to be healthy and happy, etc...but some other things .... I want peace between me and my children, and between the two of them. I want Jon to love his job and new company. I want our new insurance not to bankrupt us. I want Lauren to give that first girl a safe home in Africa and for that child to know real peace, safety and love. I want Daniel to rock Marine boot camp. Jon wants me to watch less tv...I'm not sure I'm feeling that one. I want to tone up my flabby spots (yes, skinny people can be flabby too). I want to be a stronger wife. and mother....which I think will cancel out the peace between me and the kids....oh well, I guess you can't have everything...
Mayhem said he couldn't believe just 11 years ago, he was the Y2K bug.... hahahahaha!