Sunday, August 30, 2009

more weirdness...

okay, just when I think I have seen it all...I go to Walmart. haha. The girls and I were at Walmart Saturday doing some shopping - the girls were browsing the nail polish. Megan decided she REALLY needed some fake press-on nails. Um, no she doesn't, says I. So, as I am checking out all the different things they have in this section while she and Cassidy are looking at all the different fake nails they have (Megan likes the flowers while Cassidy prefers the boneheads, of course) won't believe what they have. Fake press-on toe nails. For real. I really didn't know what to say about that. I guess it would come in handy on those days you don't have time to throw ANOTHER coat of polish over the chipped up polish on your toes....

1 comment:

cbright123 said...

Oh no they didn't! Fake toenails!?! I have to take a trip to Wally world to see this!