Friday, June 5, 2009

end of school

what a crazy week it's been. I think the last week of school has to be the busiest one all year long. Here's a few pictures that I was able to take when I wasn't pulling my hair out from all the crazy going on! Megan and some of her friends got to have lunch with Mrs. Tworek, her social studies and science teacher. They loved that. She's a super sweetie - I love her. I love all 3 of her teachers - Mrs. Bentley is her math teachers - she's in the picture with Megan and the AR trophy, and Mrs. Faria is her language arts teacher. Megan got several awards - straight As for the whole year, a trophy for getting 200 AR points for reading (they said more kids got trophies this year than ever before, so that's good - more reading, less tv? I doubt it!), and this one is pretty impressive - the President's Education Awards Program for Outstanding Academic Excellence - she got that one for maintaining a 93% or higher in all of her classes all year. She's a rock star. Cassidy made the AB honor roll and got the "Remarkable Reader" award from her teacher Mrs. Gist for being an outstanding reader at home and at school. I still can't believe Megan's not going to be at elementary school anymore...not a David Dolphin anymore. I had a big cry-fest with her teachers that morning, and got it all out of my system so I didn't cry that afternoon when the 4th graders did their run thru the hallways and all the parents and kids clapped and cheered for them (we call it the "clapout"). Her teachers have been the best, and have really prepared her for going on to 5th grade, and I know she's going to be a rock star there as well. Cassidy is ready for 3rd grade - I just hope 3rd grade is ready for her! As we were walking out of school, Mr. Allen was there, so I was able to get that last "the girls and Mr. Allen pic" I always like to get...that made me sad - it's Megan's last one. Time passes WAY too fast. I mean, I can remember her first day of kindergarden - has it been 5 years ago, really? UGH! Anyway, this post is very scattered, very much the way I have been the past few weeks. Here's to hoping my summer will be a little less crazy, a little more peaceful...

1 comment:

cbright123 said...

Those are definately some great pics!!! I see a scrapbook ready! Congrats on all the awards. You've got some great kids!