Monday, December 1, 2008

a new addition

You know, my life just isn't crazy enough, so guess what? We got another dog! His name is Dan, and he is the sweetest thing. He's 2 years old, and we think is a boxer/rhodesian ridgeback mix. He has the best temperment, and the girls are just in heaven - they LOVE him! Jon thinks he's pretty cool too. He and Maksim are getting on just fine, although he really wants to play rough, and Maks is having none of it. The funniest thing ever is me walking the two of them together. Good times.

He thinks he's a little lap dog, he does love to lounge on the sofa (so he fits in perfectly with me and Maks!). But he does not like to have his picture taken - the flash was freaking him out. Poor dog - he didn't know he was going to have to live with a scrapbooker!


cbright123 said...

cute pup!!!

sburchett2 said...

Yup, he's a cute pup! He is a lot like our new addition, same coloring, size, etc. But my pups ears stick straight up so he looks kinda like a kangaroo. Here's a link to my pup

Talk to ya soon! Shannon