Monday, August 25, 2008

back to school

Well, school started today for my little darlings. Megan is in the 4th grade, and I was a little misty this morning, walking the halls with her, as this will be her last year at elementary school. She really didn't even want to hold my hand as we walked to class. But she did give me a hug and kiss at the door, so I was thankful for that. She has 2 awesome teachers - Mrs. Bentley and Mrs. Faria. Cassidy started 2nd grade, and was off and running in her usual "buggy" form. We totally scored on her teachers too - Mrs. Gist and Mrs. McLane. It's going to be a great year. They both had great reports about their first day...although I had written notes to put in their lunch boxes, and in my big hurry this morning, I slipped the wrong note in the wrong box. So they were both a little hacked about that. As Hannah Montana sings....nobody's perfect....
You'll love this - I asked Cassidy what she was going to wear today, and she told me "her smart dress". Is that the cutest or what? And another typical Bug - check out the closeup pic of the girls together - I could NOT get a shot with Cassidy's eyes open....Kriste, thanks for passing on ALL the good genes to my kids!!!! haha


cbright123 said...

What great pics!!! You're girls look soo grown up!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm catching up to you...two entries and one is pictures. do you feel like a blogging slacker? haha.