Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Here are some pics of us at PF Changs - we went there Saturday night for dinner while Lauren was in town. I was very excited that she was able to share some of her Africa pictures and stories with a few friends of mine. One of the stories that sticks with me and I try to remind my children of it daily is....when Lauren and her group were finished eating, they would take the extra food and put it on a plate for the children around the homestead. They would give the plate to one of the children. That child would put down the plate and go gather up all the kids s/he could find. They would all sit down together and eat the food. Now, these kids may have eaten once a day and were hungry. No child would think of eating that food without sharing with all the kids. Oh, for my children to be so selfless. I hope that if I remind them of that enough times, it'll stick. If you haven't read any of Lauren's blog of her trip last year, click on the link on the left side of the page. She's amazing.

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