Thursday, March 27, 2008

Goodbye sweet puppy....

Wednesday we had to put our little man Chester to sleep. What a miserable, terrible was
the hardest thing Jon and I have ever had to do. But, as much as we didn't want to do it, it was the right thing to do for him...he was almost 14 and had issues that made life not very enjoyable for him...and we didn't want him to be uncomfortable or scared any more. The girls were so upset, but Cassidy's pure, simple faith touches me even now...she asked thru her tears if she would see him in heaven, and I told her that I believe that with my whole heart. She dried her tears and has been totally at peace with the situation. She petted him and told him that she loved him and would miss him, but she would see him when she got to heaven. So, I told the girls the story of the Rainbow Bridge...

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown... "

We had him cremated, and I'm just waiting for the call to go pick him up. He'll hang out in my room where we can see him, and remember all the funny things from the past. He was so tiny when we got him, he could fit in the palms of my hands (Jon's one hand). He loved to chew up the heels of all my dress shoes. He did not love oven mitts, we thought it was hysterical to chase him around with oven mitts on. He loved to play fetch with a ball - he would outlast anyone. As long as someone would throw his ball, he would run, get it and bring it back. He also loved those stupid gum balls off the trees - I hate those things. He would sneak them into the house and chew on them. He liked to chase them too. He was so funny after a bath - after I would dry him off, he would race around the house like a wild man, with his butt almost passing underneath him. He would also run around the house like that if you cheered for him and got him excited.
On Wednesday, when the vet weighed him, he weighed 7 lbs. Which, for Chester, is svelte. He weighed close to 10 lbs the last time he went to the vet, sometime last year. He had slowed down with his eating a lot in the past few months. So, when the tech said 7 lbs, Jon and I were like, wow, he's really slimmed down. The tech was like, uh no, he's what we consider on the chunky side. (I think Maks will probably slim down now that he won't have 2 food bowls to dine from twice a day....)
He was the best dog in the world, and I am going to miss him so much.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Here are some pics of us at PF Changs - we went there Saturday night for dinner while Lauren was in town. I was very excited that she was able to share some of her Africa pictures and stories with a few friends of mine. One of the stories that sticks with me and I try to remind my children of it daily is....when Lauren and her group were finished eating, they would take the extra food and put it on a plate for the children around the homestead. They would give the plate to one of the children. That child would put down the plate and go gather up all the kids s/he could find. They would all sit down together and eat the food. Now, these kids may have eaten once a day and were hungry. No child would think of eating that food without sharing with all the kids. Oh, for my children to be so selfless. I hope that if I remind them of that enough times, it'll stick. If you haven't read any of Lauren's blog of her trip last year, click on the link on the left side of the page. She's amazing.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter yesterday. Here's a pic of the girls in their Easter dresses. They looked very pretty, I think. I took the pic after church, so you can't really tell that I had curled their hair. I took after church because it was practically still dark outside when we left for church - Jon made us go to the very early 8 am service. I should thank my lucky stars we didn't have to go to the 6:30 sunrise service! The girls had Spring Break last week, and we went nowhere, which was actually kind of nice. Lauren spent the Easter weekend with us, and we had so much fun with her. She's coming back the first of May for a friend's wedding, and we can't wait!

cool moth...

Check out this cool moth Jon and the girls found hanging around outside on the deck. I'm pretty sure Maggie tried to eat it....

Friday, March 14, 2008

The girls and their guy

The Girls Scouts had a "Me and My Guy" dance last month, and their dad being their fave guy got to escort them. I have such a handsome hubby and beautiful girls! The girls had a really fun time at the dance, even though there was a little too much square dancing for their liking.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I was able to take Megan to the Hannah Montana concert at the Houston Rodeo Sunday night, thanks to my friend Gina who called me with tickets to the long ago sold out concert. We had the best time - we were up high, but with "suite seats", we had free food and drinks and a bathroom close by, so it was perfect. The concert was awesome, Hannah Montana performed first, then while she changed into Miley, her dad Billy Ray Cyrus entertained us with a little "I want my mullet back" and of course "Achy Breaky Heart". I think the moms screamed just as loud as the little girls! haha. Then Miley performed for a while, and did an encore with her dad with "Ready, Set, Don't Go". The rodeo was fun too - Megan got to ride a mechanical bull. We went with our friends Coleen and Meagan, so the whole day was a complete and total blast. Cassidy got to spend the day with her dad, he took her to Build A Bear and McDonalds and to get ice cream. She was a little sad, but it was okay. Everyone should go to the rodeo - come on down and check it out next year!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good times at the DD...

The girls' school had their spring fundraiser Saturday evening - the DD Ranch. The girls had a completely fabulous rootin' tootin' good time - there were games, face painting, hair painting, a cake walk (Cassidy's fave - she won cupcakes), a DJ spinning some tunes (we all enjoyed a little Cha-Cha Slide...), cotton candy (my fave), and getting to run around with your BFFs (Megan's fave). Of course, Jon's favorite was the Silent Auction (not - we were all about spending his money!)...we did score a cool "fun in The Woodlands" gift certificate basket. We however were outbid on the Hannah Montana basket and Megan was VERY sad. Other than that - a good time. Hopefully we made a ton of money for the school.

I actually made a trip to the salon on Wednesday - some highlights, bangs and long layers. I love it! No one recognizes me at first glance - they have to do a double take. I've gotten much positive feedback. Jon does love me blonde the best, so he's happy. So, I threw a pic in of me so you could check it out if you haven't seen me in person yet.

Destination Imagination

Cassidy's DI team had their competition on Saturday morning. They had a team challenge of taking something from history and making it different with a magic item. Theirs was a dinosaur that found a magic clock that brought him to the future. Cassidy was a football player. You can imagine her father's joy seeing her in a Texas Longhorn uniform! haha. Cassidy really enjoyed herself. The little girl in the picture with her is her dear friend Carlie from her class at school.