Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We had a busy one, and loved visiting with all of the family. We luckily made it back home before Santa got to Texas, so that was a plus! The girls got everything they wanted (well, except for Cassidy...there were no Pixelchix and she was just a little sad....haha) - their favorites being Megan and her pink guitar (it's her most prized possession) and Cassidy and her Baby Alive (she named her Crystal, and she got to go to Kroger today in a stroller). The day after Christmas, we went out to the country and spent the day with Jason and Karen and her family. They have cows, which I loved. The girls didn't love being slobbered on by the cows and the cows didn't much care for the girls' loud voices and quick movements. They did however love hanging all over Karen and eating a thousand gingerbread cookies. Today, Debra and Madison are visiting us, and the girls are having fun showing off all of their new goods.

1 comment:

abby said... crack me up...Cassidy and that hair! Adorable!...So glad
you guys had a great Christmas...Abby